Ingrid von Oelhafen. MEET one of Hitler’s forgotten children who was kidnapped from her parents by the Nazis to be brought up as an ‘Aryan’. Ingrid von Oelhafen was snatched as a baby from Sauerbrunn in Yugoslavia in 1942 and taken for a ‘medical’ examination by the Nazi occupiers. She was held in a children’s home as part of the Lebensborn scheme, her identity erased and adopted by German Aryan parents. Family and archive pictures paint the picture of one of the Nazi’s cruellest and most obscene experiments while Ingrid tells her powerful story in a heart wrenching video. Lebensborn was an SS-initiated, state-supported association in Nazi Germany with the goal of raising the birth rate of Aryan children via extramarital relations of people the Nazis deemed racially pure and healthy. It then expanded into several occupied European countries during the Second World War. Ingrid’s remarkable story is told in a new book, Hitler’s Forgotten Children, co-written with Tim Tate and published by Elliott and Thompson.